This is a musical tribute to our nation and its people. The song "Untukmu Malaysia", sometimes called "Baktiku Hanya Untukmu", is a Malaysian patriotic song composed during the early 90s. This instrumental recording of this beautiful tune is performed and arranged by multi-instrumentalist Eizaz Azhar on all instruments. Here are the lyrics to sing along;

Verse 1 Padamu Malaysiaku berjanji, Padamu ku akan mengabdi, Seluruh jiwa dan raga ku serahkan, Demi kejayaan bangsa Verse 2 Aman, makmur, damai, sejahtera, Akan ku junjung dan ku jaga, Bersatu rela jujur setia, Membela bangsa tercinta Chorus Syukur selalu kepada ilahi, Atas segala rahmatNya, Malaysiaku negara maju jaya, Baktiku hanya untukmu Repeat Verse 2 & Chorus to end
Clockwise from top; alto saxophone, percussion, drumkit, electric guitar, electric bass and digital piano-Recorded in ER Studios, arrangement by Eizaz Azhar. Video & lighting by Ray Lee. Mixed and edited by Eizaz Azhar. For best listening results play video on large external speakers or a good pair of headphones as laptop speakers are unable to reproduce many of the frequencies.